
An Architect Designed House

At a recent open house I answered lots of questions, was generally sociable, I smiled, people liked my cookies and loved the house.  I was exhausted.  What really has been rolling around in my head over the past week and a half since the open house whas when somebody said this: "Now I understand what the difference between an architect designed house and a regular house is"

I have been thinking lately about what I do and what my strengths as an architect are.  And I realize that what I do and what I can do are not necessarily the same things.  What I do is useful to many people.  What I can do is only for a very select few and they don’t come along all that often.  Architecture is, or can be, art.  It’s that aspect of it that few people are aware of even though it seems so clear to me.  Architecture, even at the mundane level of the design of someone’s kitchen in a modest house can tickle and play with one’s emotions and spirit in surprising ways.  I seek out those little moments.  I slip them in when nobody is noticing.  A trick of the light here, a surprising and happy alignment there.  Few people care about such things or at least think they don’t.  Many people, many past clients, many builders have difficulty viewing architecture, at least residential architecture with a small “a” as anything other than a commodity or a problem to solve or a product to sell or purchase.  This is often brought home to me when I put such things in the design and they get X’d out because I failed to convey their importance.  Small but capital “A” stuff.  And often these things are not important. To most people.

The Field

In varius varius justo, eget ultrices mauris rhoncus non. Morbi tristique, mauris eu imperdiet bibendum, velit diam iaculis velit, in ornare massa enim at lorem. Etiam risus diam, porttitor vitae ultrices quis, dapibus id dolor. Morbi venenatis lacinia rhoncus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean non enim ut enim fringilla adipiscing id in lorem. Quisque aliquet neque vitae lectus tempus consectetur. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc eu nibh nulla, id cursus arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam at velit nisl. Aenean vitae est nisl. Cras molestie molestie nisl vel imperdiet. Donec vel mi sem.

Luctus fermentum commodo

Nulla sed mi leo, sit amet molestie nulla. Phasellus lobortis blandit ipsum, at adipiscing eros porta quis. Phasellus in nisi ipsum, quis dapibus magna. Phasellus odio dolor, pretium sit amet aliquam a, gravida eget dui. Pellentesque eu ipsum et quam faucibus scelerisque vitae ut ligula. Ut luctus fermentum commodo. Mauris eget justo turpis, eget fringilla mi. Duis lobortis cursus mi vel tristique. Maecenas eu lorem hendrerit neque dapibus cursus id sit amet nisi. Proin rhoncus semper sem nec aliquet.

Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum pretium, dui eu aliquam faucibus, est dui hendrerit nulla, mattis semper turpis mauris eget tellus. Nulla accumsan rutrum nibh, sed eleifend felis blandit.

Integer vel libero arcu, egestas tempor ipsum. Vestibulum id dolor aliquet dolor fringilla ornare. Nunc non massa erat. Vivamus odio sem, rhoncus vel bibendum vitae, euismod a urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean non lorem arcu. Phasellus in neque nulla, sed sodales ipsum. Morbi a massa sed sapien vulputate lacinia. Vivamus et urna vitae felis malesuada aliquet sit amet et metus.

  • Consectetur adipiscing elit vtae elit libero
  • Nullam id dolor id eget lacinia odio posuere erat a ante
  • Integer posuere erat dapibus posuere velit

Nulla sed mi leo, sit amet molestie nulla. Phasellus lobortis blandit ipsum, at adipiscing eros porta quis. Phasellus in nisi ipsum, quis dapibus magna. Phasellus odio dolor, pretium sit amet aliquam a, gravida eget dui. Pellentesque eu ipsum et quam faucibus scelerisque vitae ut ligula. Ut luctus fermentum commodo. Mauris eget justo turpis, eget fringilla mi. Duis lobortis cursus mi vel tristique. Maecenas eu lorem hendrerit neque dapibus cursus id sit amet nisi. Proin rhoncus semper sem nec aliquet. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

.some-style { width: 960px; height: 200px; margin: 0 auto; background-color: #000000; }

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean non enim ut enim fringilla adipiscing id in lorem. Quisque aliquet neque vitae lectus tempus consectetur. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc eu nibh nulla, id cursus arcu.


Amazing post with all the goodies

In varius varius justo, eget ultrices mauris rhoncus non. Morbi tristique, mauris eu imperdiet bibendum, velit diam iaculis velit, in ornare massa enim at lorem. Etiam risus diam, porttitor vitae ultrices quis, dapibus id dolor. Morbi venenatis lacinia rhoncus. Vestibulum tincidunt ullamcorper eros eget luctus. Nulla eget porttitor libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean non enim ut enim fringilla adipiscing id in lorem. Quisque aliquet neque vitae lectus tempus consectetur. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc eu nibh nulla, id cursus arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam at velit nisl. Aenean vitae est nisl. Cras molestie molestie nisl vel imperdiet. Donec vel mi sem.

Luctus fermentum commodo

Nulla sed mi leo, sit amet molestie nulla. Phasellus lobortis blandit ipsum, at adipiscing eros porta quis. Phasellus in nisi ipsum, quis dapibus magna. Phasellus odio dolor, pretium sit amet aliquam a, gravida eget dui. Pellentesque eu ipsum et quam faucibus scelerisque vitae ut ligula. Ut luctus fermentum commodo. Mauris eget justo turpis, eget fringilla mi. Duis lobortis cursus mi vel tristique. Maecenas eu lorem hendrerit neque dapibus cursus id sit amet nisi. Proin rhoncus semper sem nec aliquet.

Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum pretium, dui eu aliquam faucibus, est dui hendrerit nulla, mattis semper turpis mauris eget tellus. Nulla accumsan rutrum nibh, sed eleifend felis blandit.

Integer vel libero arcu, egestas tempor ipsum. Vestibulum id dolor aliquet dolor fringilla ornare. Nunc non massa erat. Vivamus odio sem, rhoncus vel bibendum vitae, euismod a urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean non lorem arcu. Phasellus in neque nulla, sed sodales ipsum. Morbi a massa sed sapien vulputate lacinia. Vivamus et urna vitae felis malesuada aliquet sit amet et metus.

  • Consectetur adipiscing elit vtae elit libero
  • Nullam id dolor id eget lacinia odio posuere erat a ante
  • Integer posuere erat dapibus posuere velit

Nulla sed mi leo, sit amet molestie nulla. Phasellus lobortis blandit ipsum, at adipiscing eros porta quis. Phasellus in nisi ipsum, quis dapibus magna. Phasellus odio dolor, pretium sit amet aliquam a, gravida eget dui. Pellentesque eu ipsum et quam faucibus scelerisque vitae ut ligula. Ut luctus fermentum commodo. Mauris eget justo turpis, eget fringilla mi. Duis lobortis cursus mi vel tristique. Maecenas eu lorem hendrerit neque dapibus cursus id sit amet nisi. Proin rhoncus semper sem nec aliquet. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

.some-style { width: 960px; height: 200px; margin: 0 auto; background-color: #000000; }

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean non enim ut enim fringilla adipiscing id in lorem. Quisque aliquet neque vitae lectus tempus consectetur. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc eu nibh nulla, id cursus arcu.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam at velit nisl. Aenean vitae est nisl. Cras molestie molestie nisl vel imperdiet. Donec vel mi sem.

Bicycles! form and function

When I was in high school I spent more time ogling bike catalogs than studying. I was drawn to the art and science of bicycles. I liked riding too and did a fair amount of racing. I subscribed to bike magazines and learned about the Tour de France and the Alps and Pyrenees, form and function, I learned about strengths of ferrous metals, I learned about health and nutrition. But mostly I just liked to look at bicycles. In a big rural Maine high school that labeled me as weird, at least by those who noticed which was practically nobody. Of course there were the lycra riding shorts ... I still ogle bikes and am fascinated with the whole evolutionary process I have witnessed over the last 30 years in bicycle design. High end professional level bikes used to cost $1500 in 1985. Now they cost 7 to 10 k. Bikes used to be made out of steel with lugs holding the tubes in place (mine still is) Now they are also made from titanium and carbon fiber. High end bikes used to weigh 22 lbs, now they weigh 15 lbs. Oh and mountain bikes didn't exist in 1985. Here are some ogle worthy images. A Campagnolo Super Record equipped Bianchi (Italy) from about 1985

Modern Bikes:

"Finally" by Dana Wigdor

"Finally" by Dana Wigdor This is a painting from a series by Dana Wigdor that I have long admired for its "Bluetime" feel and its sense of fun. It now resides in my office. I find that art that means the most to me is very strong on mood rather than emotion. Often, art makes me feel the urge to explore my own creativity. I left art school after just one year due to the in-bred nature of the particular school I was going to. I realized that I was better off pursuing an alternative education path and keeping my art personal. I haven't done a very good job of pursuing my art outside of architecture. (or my music either) Maybe it is time to get some canvas and brushes.