Working part time – my daily schedule and life

As my mom says: “When do you actually work?”The answer is complicated. I try to fit in a bit of work here and there when nobody is paying attention. This morning I had the kids until 2 pm. And now I have a few hours to get a proposal done and type up this little bit of mumble. Then I have to head back into the house to start supper. (I'm at my big desk in my big barn right now with a lovely breeze flowing through the window) Typical day in the summer. Normally, I would be more of a morning person and get up very early every day to start work. Except I have to pack lunches, haul my 5 year old teenager out of bed, argue with her, feed her and get her dressed and started on her day. I would much rather be off on my bike right now. After supper usually involves lots of dishes and laundry and corralling Charlotte to bed which includes more arguing. Then more dishes to wash. By this time I am usually exhausted. During the school year it is usually a bit easier to get in my hours although with the new kid, (6 mos.) this coming year may be will be a bit more complicated. In architecture school I was usually up until at least midnight and I often was at my $3/hour work study job in the library until 1 am. Then early classes. It is very hard to imagine how I did it. I guess I must have been in my twenties or something.