double wall construction

Process and Engagement - upping my game

Process and Engagement - upping my game

Social media provides a potential of engagement is relatively new to many of us and represents a huge opportunity to learn, improve our knowledge, become inspired, meet new people, network, educate, and even market what we do.

Peru House Update

Here are some recent photos of the Peru VT house. This is a modern farmhouse where we took a traditional and timeless New England form, came up with a great floor plan and then "played" with it. The result is some fantastic spaces. I love all four bedrooms and I can imagine sitting in the big corner window during a snowstorm and just staring into the snow (while cookies bake) Note the how widows are finished on the inside with thick double wall construction. Corner windows and a dormer window are shown. I have discovered a strongly positive psychological response to thick walls, at least in myself.